Tuesday, 8 January 2013

My strawberry nails!



So after wiping off my Pacman nails *shudders* I started fresh and went for a summer fruit! I have put the green top on the wrong way round for the photo but give me a chance I'm still learning!

After painting my Pacman nails so badly I felt that I was no good at nail art and I should give up! I do make mountains out of molehills but this made me miserable because I love painting my nails so much! I looked at the past nail art I have done and relaxed. A mistake made is a lesson learnt. Of course I will start to become more professional with clean sides of the nails (Oops) and better lighting and photographs, but I'm here to inspire you and to see what an amateur can achieve! I adore painting my nails and I'm not going to let little mistakes stop my fun so don't worry the nails will just keep on coming!

Yet again all the polishes were done in Rio Professional Nail Art Kit! Apart from the base on the thumb which is white from number 7.

Have you made any nail disasters? Let me know!



  1. Yes, so many! It also seems to be my thumbs, I go over the nail and onto my skin?! I don't know how it happens! Haha love the nails though!


    1. I always go over my skin im terible haha! Thank you :-)

  2. so cute! the one almost looks like frosting with it!


  3. Cute and yummy!


    1. thank you! Luckily i dont nibble my nails haha!


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